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Monday, April 16, 2012

For my first informational post I will discuss a topic that is near and dear to my heart and has simultaneously been one of the most enjoyable, and at times frightening, experiences for me in Japan. I am talking of course about... School Lunch.

Japanese school lunch or kyuushoku is to American school lunch what Ruth`s Chris Steakhouse is to a gas station vending machine. Each and every meal is freshly made from high quality (and sometimes local) foods. Each lunch includes some form of protein, vegetables, fruit, and of course rice. To say that the food is delicious wold be a dramatic understatement, most every item I have had in the school lunch is incredibly flavorful and each portion of the meal is tailored not only to fulfill a certain health requirement but also to compliment the other items in the meal.

In addition, I have yet to have a repeat meal, every days meal is unique based on what ingredients the cafeteria has for the day. The only exception is every Friday when karaage (think popcorn chicken) is served, even then the sides are always different. What follows are just a couple of the examples of the types of school lunch I have enjoyed thus far. Keep in mind that these meals are prepared by a team of sweet little old ladies and only cost me 500円 (about 5 bucks) each.

 This is one of my favorite meals thus far. From top left: Fried tofu with citrus sauce, cabbage with kimchi sauce, daikon salad with carrots cucumbers and little dead fish, red sour daikon pickles, sweet glazed salmon with shredded cabbage and an apple slice, and a heaping helping of rice.
Next is the ubiquitous Friday Karaage meal. From top left: potato salad, black seaweed salad, mystery vegetables (I seriosuly have no idea what the pale green bean looking things were, neither did any teachers around me), red sour daikon pickles, karaage with shredded cabbage and an apple slice, and... you guessed it more rice.

These meals are a huge step above the slop and junk food they serve in schools back home. This is what you get from a country that realizes encouraging students to make good decisions early on will set them up for success.

So I know what you are thinking, "Wow Alex! Aside from your amazing good looks and your cunning charm you also have an amazing lunch every day." And while I really do appreciate the compliment I have to disagree... These are not my only lunch options... Oh no I have not one but TWO options for where to purchase my lunch every day. In addition to the school cafeteria I can also order lunch from a bento (box lunch) delivery service, also for a mere 500 yen. And these meals... Vary from mind blowing deliciousness, to H.P. Lovecraft levels of terrifying.

Coming Soon...


  1. I would not survive. Glad you are! Yippe for blogs.

  2. Uncle Al....Love the blog. Today at school we had instant mashed potatoes, with cream gravy from a mix, green beans, and orange slices. The protein was either chicken strips or steak fingers. Not sure why you have a choice on protein, they are both unrecognizable breaded "meat" strips. As Bob Dylan says "You can chose one or the other but neither one will be what they claim".
